
Another School Year Just Started! Has Your Child Gotten Their Eyes Checked?

A new school just began, and no doubt your child is excited to tackle some challenging new classes. You did your school shopping, bought the necessary supplies, and some new clothes so your youngster can look their best. But how about their eyes? Did you take the time to bring them to a Laguna Niguel eye doctor for an examination? Might it be possible that your young one has less than perfect vision?


Make Sure Your Child Is Not Hampered By Vision Problems


According to a study funded by the National Institutes of Health, about 35% of American children between ages 3-5 cannot see with great acuity. Some of them struggle with objects that are nearer or farther away, while others have astigmatism.


So, what does this mean? If your child cannot see clearly, has trouble focusing, or has difficulty tracking images, they will likely experience learning delays.The problem is compounded because most children do not complain of any vision problems, especially when they are just starting to be affected by them. These early and subtle changes are difficult to detect, and your child might not necessarily be able to articulate that something is wrong. Pediatric and school screeners are seldom able to identify early changes either, so it is essential to get your child a comprehensive exam from a reputable eye doctor before they start school.


Some common eye problems in children include the following: myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. There’s lazy eye, also known as amblyopia. There’s strabismus, which is an eye alignment problem, and there are pediatric cataracts and glaucoma. There are also various other developmental problems that might be a factor.


Watch For These Telltale Signs


How can you tell if your child has eye problems? Monitor for the following warning signs: eye rubbing, sitting too close to the TV or computer monitor, squinting, head tilting, light sensitivity, or a short attention span. Depending on your child’s age, they might be able to vocalize that they are having trouble seeing clearly, but it is more common for attentive parents to notice the issues themselves.


If you suspect your child needs glasses, schedule a comprehensive eye exam with a trusted medical professional. If you need an eye doctor Laguna Niguel, contact Today’s Vision Optometry. We’d love to schedule your family’s eye exams to make sure that your child’s vision is not a deterrent as they embark on the latest chapter of their academic odyssey. The best of luck to all the students, teachers, and parents this school year, and a safe and happy autumn to everyone.


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